Geoimaging supporting the Cyprus Marine & Maritime Institute at the New European Bauhaus festival in Brussels.

GeoImaging had the opportunity to participate at the New European Bauhaus Festival on 9-12 June 2022 and present the CMMI/MaRITeC-X project after a successful application of the Cyprus Marine & Maritime Institute (CMMI) to have the project represented in Brussels

New European Bauhaus festival in Brussels
New European Bauhaus festival in Brussels

It was a very successful event with participants from around Europe, big attendance and interesting projects. The CMMI/MaRITeC-x project team comprised of three persons by GeoImaging and they set up a bench with a screen playing relevant videos, information material and various memorabilia (pens, puzzles, etc). During the event, several participants stopped by to ask about MaRITeC-X and contact information was exchanged. GeoImaging has already contacted some of the companies with similar interests that can potentially contribute in CMMI/MaRITeC-X progress, and we are confident that new collaborations are about to emerge.

We were amazed by the quantity and quality of novel ideas going around Europe, as part of EU Fundings or as company initiatives. AR and VR related projects had a fair share of the projects presented, while “green” and “blue” environmental ideas were the absolute innovation protagonists. This gives us the confirmation that our work cycle in GeoImaging engages the hottest topics of the present and near future.