Department of Lands and Surveys (DLS) Applications
Demarcation is the operation that legally establishes boundaries between properties. As a registered land surveyors we are experts in topographic services and assessment including demarcation and boundary services, cadastral surveys, land division, etc.
Property demarcation process by Department of Lands and Surveys (DLS)
A special form/application is available at all Land Offices for its completion and submission or it may be downloaded from the webpage. The title of the property or a photocopy thereof as well as the cadastral plan on which the position of the land marks is indicated and whose determination on the ground is requested are to be attached to the application.
The application may be lodged at any District Lands Office. The respective fees are paid upon filing of the application with the Department of Lands and Surveys, depending on the number of land marks to be placed.
The fixing of the land marks’ position is carried out by the employees of the Department of Lands and Surveys in the applicants’ presence. The owners may also similarly to other cases, delegate the necessary surveying work to private licensed Surveyors. Applicants are encouraged to have land marks constructed on the positions indicated by the land Surveyor.
The public is requested to take all necessary measures to protect and secure both the artificial and the natural boundaries of the properties (e.g. banks, dry stone walls etc.) which determine the boundaries of their property.
The time required for completion of this kind of cases, cannot be estimated due to volume of work accumulated as a result of cases that have been delayed.
Division of Land into Building Sites by Department of Lands and Surveys (DLS)
The division of land into building sites presupposes the issue of a partition permit by the Town Planning Department and a division permit by the Competent Authority. When the permit is obtained and even before the commencement of the construction of the building sites, the divided land must be demarcated and staked out. Any landowner wishing to apply for a division of his land into building sites has two options. To either file the division permit together with the plans and the terms accompanying it to one of the District Lands Offices, regardless of the district in which the property to be divided is situated and to request to carry out such division work, or to delegate the whole work to a Private Licensed Surveyor. For the filing of the application a special form must be completed and the prescribed fees are paid to the Department of Land and Surveys.
Note 1
The Land Surveyor/Technician Engineer or the Private Licensed Surveyor indicates the position of the land marks whereas the owner is responsible for the construction and placement of the land marks at the positions indicated by the land Surveyor.
Note 2
Where within the property under division there exist buildings, for which a certificate of approval has been issued, the building permits for these buildings must be attached together with the architect’s plans and the cadastral plans to the application, along with the certificates of approval, so that the buildings may be surveyed and registered together with the building sites.
After the survey work has been completed and checked, the applicant shall be provided with the relevant certificate, which he will submit to the appropriate authority together with all other necessary particulars to obtain approval for commencement of the construction works. After the completion of the works, the appropriate authority or the supervising Licensed Surveyor will issue the relevant certificate of completion of the work. This certificate shall be deposited with the Department of Lands & Surveys, upon payment of all prescribed fees for the check of the survey work and the preparation of the cadastral plan on which the registration of the new building sites shall be based. The applicant shall thereafter be notified to submit the certificate of approval for the registration of the divided building sites and pay the relevant fees. A copy of the cadastral plan shall also be sent to the issuing authority of the division permit. After deposit of the certificate of approval, a local enquiry takes place for purposes of description and valuation of the new building sites. The registration is effected after all necessary consents for the building sites have been obtained and the new certificates of registration are issued.
Time of completion of procedure
The consideration of these matters requires a lot of time and it is almost impossible to specify the exact time required for completion of each procedure since this depends on the actions taken by the appropriate authority, the Department of Lands & Surveys, the owner, the contractor in charge of the construction works and on other parameters.
Division and Partition of Agricultural Land by Department of Lands and Surveys (DLS)
The division of agricultural land is possible, where each one of the new plots, proposed to be created, have (as the case may be) the extent given below.
➤ Not less than 1.338 square metres for plantations (i.e. land completely covered with trees planted in a standard alignment and in the crop bearing stage), vines, gardens (orchards), forests (e.g. pine forests), land irrigated by a perennial or seasonal source of water and land capable of being irrigated by a perennial source of water (irrigable land is an expanse of land connected to the public water works regardless of whether it receives or not irrigation).
➤ Not less than 2.676 square metres for land capable of being irrigated by a seasonal source of water.
➤ Not less than 6.689 square metres for dry land.
➤ The minimum extent for the new plots in areas where consolidation has been completed upon division of any land, is the double of the extent mentioned above. The Head of the Land Consolidation Department may determine with a notice published in the Official Gazette of the Republic that the minimum extents referred to in the abovementioned paragraphs shall apply also for specified consolidated areas.
In addition to the above requirements, every new plot should and may be properly and conveniently held and enjoyed as a separate and self-contained tenement.
Procedure – Forms
The owner of the land, whose division is requested, must file an application.
The application must include the name, address, and identity card number of the applicant and/or of any other person in whose name the property is to be registered and it must be accompanied by the following documents:
➤ Application in writing.
➤ Certificate of registration of the property.
➤ Certificate from the Community Council of the village or quarter within the boundary limits of which the property is situated mentioning whether the property is planted with trees, is irrigated or is capable of being irrigated. Where the property is supplied with irrigation by an Irrigation Division the applicant must attach the relevant certificate. Where such property is irrigated from a well or borehole, a permit to dig and draw water from the well or borehole must be attached to the application. A cadastral plan must accompany the permit, on which the position of the well or borehole is marked,
➤ Sketch or plan indicating the division (if any).
➤ Statement of distribution (if any).
➤ Official cadastral plan.
The application is accepted upon payment of the prescribed fees.
After a local enquiry carried out in the presence of the interested parties, notified in advance of such enquiry, the Director shall approve the division.
The file is then sent to the Surveying Branch for surveying and drawing. The positions of the land marks shall be pointed out by the Surveyor/Technical Engineer or Private Licensed Surveyor to the applicants, who have the obligation for marking, securing and protecting such demar- cation points.
Upon the completion of the surveying and drawing work, the relevant file shall be forwarded for the registration and issue of new certificates of registration.
The time required for completion of the procedure is estimated to 12-18 months and it varies according to the particularity of each case, the volume of work and the available personnel.
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