Our goal

Develop an innovative method using topographical, geological, and climate data, combined with advanced statistical techniques and Machine Learning.  This method promises reliable results, even in regions with limited landslide records.


Our Objective:
The main project objective of LIRA project is to develop a novel software for the determination and assessment of landslide susceptibility and hazard which will rely on the integration of pre-existing local data and experience, conventional geotechnical research and the use of Machine Learning analysis within a GIS environment.

The main outcomes of the LIRA solution are:

  •  Creation of a geotechnical database that could be useful to engineers irrespectively of the geotechnical problem studied
  •  Investigation of the influence degree of the main causal and triggering factors in order to determine the factors that play an active role in the activation of landslides
  • Development of landslide susceptibility through Machine Learning method
  • Development landslide hazard and risk map
  • Development a Web-GIS platform

Project Details



Funding programme:
